Kansas is #11, Missouri likely #12, Texas & Florida?

Kansas became the 11th state to enact DPC legislation with the passage of HB 2225, signed by the Governor on May 7, 2015.  The law defines the phrase "medical retainer agreement" and contains language similar to that found in Utah's DPC law.  

Missouri sent a bill to Governor Nixon on May 6, 2015, but his website does not indicate any decision yet about whether to pass or veto the measure.  The Missouri legislation is modeled after Utah's "medical retainer agreement" language as well.  

The state legislative sessions appear to be calming down, but  there may still be more action on the horizon.  Florida has DPC legislation that will be considered in a special session on June 1, 2015 and Texas passed DPC legislation through the House followed by a slightly amended version that was passed in the Senate on May 12.  The Senate's only addition was a mandatory disclosure clause (an item that should not be controversial).  

Although Florida remains a bit of a long shot compared to Missouri and Texas, I am predicting that we will have 14 states with enacted DPC laws within the next two months!