Federal Legislative Update!

Federal Changes:  1) The potential $100 per day fine for small employers offering DPC has been eliminated, 2) the DPC Coalition expects an HSA clarification within the two months of 2017 either with the passage of legislation or in the form of a presidential executive order (feel free to join the DPC Coalition for a DC fly in from Jan 4-6, and 3) there is speculation that states will be provided with more autonomy from the federal government to redesign their Medicaid programs (and many of these could involve DPC pilots).

Do You Enjoy a Good Debate?

Do You Enjoy a Good Debate?

Edmond S. Weisbart, MD, wrote an argument against DPC by citing manuscripts like the ACP thoughts of Bob Doherty (rebutted here) and an 11 year old concierge medicine study.  He certainly did not cite an academic manuscripts about DPC, or even any policy focused (less academic) DPC manuscripts.  I had a manuscript defending DPC in the same edition of Family Practice Management.